Estimated Delivery Date
Accurate on-time delivery is very important to us. For many products, we calculate Estimated Delivery Dates to help you determine when products are expected to arrive. An Estimated Delivery Date is a calculation of several factors including product availability, allocation time in our fulfillment center, shipping method and destination. Please note: Estimated Delivery Dates are estimates only and are not guaranteed.
When we can accurately calculate Estimated Delivery Dates, we'll provide them to you during Checkout, as well as in your Order Confirmation email and Order History. Due to many factors, Estimated Delivery Dates can also change between the time you place the order and the time you receive an order confirmation. We do our best to provide accurate estimates and other information including order details and tracking links to help you track your order.
For more information about shipping options, visit Shipping Methods & Costs. To learn more about tracking your order, visit Order Status.