DESCRIPTION Detomidine Hydrochloride is an analgesic and sedative. This injectable medication facilitates minor diagnostic or surgical procedures in yearlings and adult horses.
Key Benefits: This potent, non-narcotic analgesic and sedative medication is an adrenoceptor agonist that delivers visceral and superficial analgesia, depending upon duration and depth.
Formulated For: Intended for horses only.
How is Medication Given?
Follow your veterinarian's directions when using this product. For analgesia and sedation, administer intravenously at a rate of 20 mcg or 40 mcg for every kg of body weight (0.2 mL or 0.4 mL per 220 pounds). Dosage should depend upon the duration and depth of analgesia and sedation needed. Prior to and following injection, allow the animal to quietly rest. For analgesia, administer intravenously at a rate of 20 mcg or 40 mcg for every kg of body weight (0.2 mL or 0.4 mL per 220 pounds). Dosage should depend upon the duration and depth of analgesia needed. A dose of 20 mcg will typically start to take effect within 2 to 4 minutes, delivering 30 to 45 minutes of activity. A dose of 40 mcg will typically start to take effect within 2 to 4 minutes and deliver 45 to 75 minutes of activity. For sedation, administer intravenously or intramuscularly at a rate of 20 mcg or 40 mcg for every kg of body weight (0.2 mL or 0.4 mL per 220 pounds). Dosage should depend upon the duration and depth of sedation needed. A sedative effect will occur within 2 to 4 minutes following intravenous administration and within 3 to 5 minutes following intramuscular administration. A dose of 20 mcg will deliver 30 to 90 minutes of activity. A dose of 40 mcg will deliver 90 to 120 minutes of activity.
What Results Can I Expect? Detomidine Hydrochloride is useful for a variety of minor surgical and diagnostic procedures. It can be used for:
Castration (with local, approved infiltration anesthesia) Skin laceration suturing Non-reproductive rectal palpation Nasogastric intubation Bronchoalveolar lavage Bronchoscopy facilitation Abdominal pain relief Calming irritable horses
What Form Does Medication Come In? Injectable
Dose and Administration: Sold as a vial containing 20 mL or 5 mL.
Possible Side Effects:
Because animals often lower their heads during sedation, facial or head edema or nasal mucus discharge may occur. Hold the head in a slightly elevated position to prevent these effects. Urination often occurs during recovery around 45 to 60 minutes after treatment, based on the dosage rate administered. Staggering or incoordination may be seen 3 to 5 minutes post-injection until the animal secures his or her footing. With lower respiratory rates and decreased heart rates, partial SA and AV blocks could occur. Partial short-term penis prolapse could occur. Slight muscle tremors, salivation, sweating, and piloerection are often observed after use. The relationship between bradycardia and hypertension is inconsistent with a primary drug-induced bradycardia and consistent with an adaptive baroreceptor response to the increased pressure. Bradycardia is common 1 minute post-injection. Horses who are being treated with Detomidine Hydrochloride show signs of hypertension. Symptomatic treatment should be pursued for all severe adverse reactions. Like any other a- agonist, hypersensitivity can occur in rare cases, which includes excitation (paradoxical response). Mild reactions have occurred, and resolved with no treatment. Epinephrine should not be administered, as it can potentiate this drug's effects. Some cases of an anaphylactic-like reaction have been reported, which includes signs like recumbency, trembling, upper airway edema, dyspnea, skin plaques, urticaria, and death.
Do not administer water or food until sedation has worn off. When using analgesics to relieve abdominal pain, a thorough diagnostic workup and physical exam are needed to determine the pain source. This medication is a powerful antagonist. It should be administered extremely cautiously with other analgesics or sedatives, as additive effects may occur. Allow the horse to quietly stand for 5 minutes prior to administration, then for 10 to 15 minutes following injection. This can improve the horse's response to treatment. Routine safety procedures should be pursued to protect handlers and practitioners. Even if the horse still appears to be sedated, external stimuli may still elicit a response. Treated horses should be protected from extreme temperatures. Prior to use, carefully consider use in horses in or approaching traumatic or endotoxic shock, horses who are stressed because of high altitudes, fatigue, extreme cold, or extreme heat, or horses with advanced kidney or liver disease. Do not use in horses with chronic renal failure, respiratory disease, cerebrovascular disease, severe coronary insufficiency, or pre-existing SA or AV block. Intravenously-administered potentiated sulfonamides should never be administered to a sedated or anesthetized horse. Fatal dysrhythmias may result. Never administer to a human. Never administer to a horse intended for food slaughter. Keep out of reach of animals and children.
Storage Recommendations: Store in a cool and dry environment between temperatures of 20 to 25 degrees C (68 to 77 degrees F). Brief excursions permitted of 15-30 degrees C (59- 86 degrees F). Shield from light. Discard unused product open opening after 28 days.
In Case of Overdose: Call your nearest emergency pet hospital.