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CAT / training & behavior
How to Help Calm Your Cat's Anxiety
Is your cat showing aggressive behavior?
The first step to curbing clawing, biting and unwanted naughtiness is to figure out why your kitty is acting out.
If your cat scratches your hands
What your cat might be thinking: “Isn’t this fun?”
If kitty is getting catty and regularly clawing at your hands, it might be because you’re encouraging it. If you like to roughhouse or wrestle with your cat, they may not realize that scratching during these play fights actually hurts you.
The solution: Avoid roughhousing altogether. Next time kitty takes a swipe, just withdraw your hands with a stern “no.” Definitely do not ever swat your cat, because it will only hurt or scare them.
If your cat bites when you touch them
What your cat might be thinking: “I don’t like change!”
If you have recently moved, brought home a new baby, or experienced other household changes, your cat might be trying to communicate their distress.
The solution: give your kitty lots of attention and love.
If your usually laid-back feline starts lashing out unexpectedly, it could indicate illness or pain. They may be trying to say, “I don’t feel good.”
The solution: if nothing in your pet’s environment has changed recently, a visit to the vet may be in order.
If your cat attacks you
What your cat may be thinking: “I’m so bored!”
Cats with pent-up energy sometimes stir up trouble just to entertain themselves.
The solution: spare your ankles by springing for an interactive scratching post or indulging your cat in a rousing game of chase-the-laser-pointer. Basically, offer some boredom-busting activities. You might also consider getting a second cat to give your feline a friend to play with.
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