Aqueon Standard Glass Rectangle Aquarium

Item #5356064
20 Gal Horizontal
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About this item

The standard aquarium is made with care to ensure that it can stand up to almost any application. These aquariums come in a wide range of sizes with black trim styling. Large aquariums feature one-piece center-braced frames that eliminate glass bowing. Be sure to place the aquarium on a stand that is able to safely bear the weight of a filled aquarium. Always include a drip loop when plugging aquarium appliances into the electrical outlet.

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  • High quality glass construction
  • For freshwater and marine applications
  • Clean silicone edges
  • Always include a drip loop when plugging aquarium appliances into the electrical outlet
  • Place aquarium on a stand that is able to safely bear the weight of a filled aquarium
  • Black trim with clear silicone seals

    Includes: 1 Glass aquarium

    Color: Clear

    Intended Pet: Fish

    Dimensions: 30.5 in L x 13.13 in D x 13 in H

    Material: Glass

    Product Weight: 24.6 lb

    Please follow directions included with product.

    Place aquarium on stand able to safely bear the weight of a filled aquarium.

  • From the manufacturer