GloFish Electric Green Tetras are not injected or dyed. They breed and reproduce naturally with this fluorescent color. Electric Green Tetras look great under either regular daylight bulbs or under an actinic bulb. One of the hardier Tetras, this peaceful fish prefers to school and will do fine in well-lit aquariums. While requiring some swimming space, Electric Greens will also appreciate cover along the perimeter of the aquarium. Schooling fish, they will do best when there are more than 3 Electric Green Tetras in the school. Generally peaceful, they can match up with just about any other type of fish that is not large enough to eat them. While the Electric Green Tetra might prefer softer, acidic water conditions, most can adapt to a wide range of water parameters.
Name: Glofish Electric Green Tetra
Scientific Name: Gymnocorymbus sp.
Group information: Community Tetras
Experience Level: Beginner
Housing: Tank Size - 10 Gallons
Behavior: Peaceful
Compatibility: Schooling Fish
Swim Level: Middle