The Tetra Lifeguard Halo Shield Powered All-In-One Treatment is a therapeutic, non-antibiotic solution suitable for freshwater aquariums. Using the oxidizing action of HaloShield, this treatment attacks an array of infectious, external diseases that can harm your fish. The easy-to-use tablets are pre-measured and feature a slow-release design for thorough disease prevention.
Intended For: Aquariums
Includes: 32 Tablets
Health Consideration: Fish diseases
Total Weight: 0.67 oz
Cautions: Not suitable for scaleless fish, invertebrates or newly set uptanks. Use only as directed. If overdose occurs add carbon or dechlorinator as directed for immediate neutralization. Not for use one food fish. Keep out of reach of children.
1-chloro-2, 2, 5, 5-Tetramethyl-4-Imidazolidinone