Track your dogs communication progress as they learn to use
talking buttons for pets just like Stella, the worlds first talking dog!
Created by speech therapist and creator of the talking dog movement Christina
Hunger, the Hunger for Words Talking Goal Tracker makes keeping track of your
dogs learning journey as easy as putting a magnet on a chart. With the help of
expert advice written by Christina herself, you'll learn how to monitor your
smart pets progress across three different communication stagesas they move
from beginner to advanced usage of their talking buttons for pets, use the
sets magnets, customizable stickers, and write-and-wipe surface to update
their work! This interactive pet toys Best Pet Teacher section even helps
get the whole family involved as in your smart pets
communication journey as you track whos teaching your dog the most words
through dog training and obedience games. And remember:
learning takes time! For best results, practice with
your dog every day, follow along with the training activities, and have fun
together in the process! The only pet communication tools designed by Christina
Hunger and approved by Stella, the worlds first talking dog, Hunger class=GramE>For Words' pet communication tools help you teach, track,
and support your pet on every stage of their communication journey! Hunger For
Words tools feature informative step-by-step guides by the creator of the
talking dog movementwritten with the belief that every dog deserves a clear
way to express their needs, and every dog owner deserves to understand their
pet, Christinas expert tips help bring pets and owners closer together. To
learn even more about Hunger for Words and Christina's groundbreaking work,
check out the book How Stella Learned to Talka New York Times bestseller in
Includes: Magnetic Chart, 126 magnets &
customizable labels
Intended For: Dogs
Activity: Interactive
Color: Multi-colored
Dimensions: 13.9x10.5x0.3 in
Materials: Plastic
Advice for Use:
Please follow any advice for use included with toy.
Please follow any cautionary information included with toy.