Adult dogs and puppies love to get in touch with their wild side - even if it's just in the backyard. Rachael Ray Nutrish Peak Open Prairie Recipe with Beef, Venison & Lamb is a natural dry dog food recipe with added vitamins, minerals, and taurine, and delicious protein that dogs instinctually crave. Real beef is always the #1 ingredient, along with real venison and real lamb for an even more flavorful experience. It's a nutrient-dense recipe with 30% high-quality protein to help keep your dog satisfied. What you won't find in this recipe are added grains, gluten or filler ingredients - and, of course, there are no artificial flavors, colors or artificial preservatives, either. Just real goodness.
Key Benefits:
Item Number: 5277835
Brand: Rachael Ray Nutrish
Food Type: Dry
Breed Size: All
Life Stage: All
Nutritional Benefits: Real Beef #1 Ingredient, No added corn, wheat, soy or gluten, No poultry by-product meal or fillers, No artificial flavors or artificial preservatives, REAL CHICKEN PIECES are slow roasted with a real delicious meat texture and hickory smoke flavor that your dog will love, COIN-CUT CARROTS are a source of fiber that help support healthy digestion plus they offer a tasty crunch your dog will love, FIELD PEAS are excellent sources of vitamins
& minerals, dietary fiber to help support healthy digestion, CRISP APPLES are a tasty fruit that contain fiber
& minerals which help support your dog's overall well-being, REAL BEEF is always the #1 ingredient which helps support healthy organs and maintain lean muscle mass. It is also a good source of protein, BROWN RICE is a carbohydrate, which is low in fat but high in fiber which helps support healthy digestion. It is a good source of energy, POULTRY FAT & WHOLE FLAXSEED are naturally rich sources of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids which help support a healthy skin and coat, NEVER ANY: added corn, wheat, soy or gluten, poultry by-product meal or fillers, or artificial flavors or artificial preservatives
Flavor: Beef
Weight: 23 lb