Delight your adult large breed dog with the 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition of Purina ONE Plus Dog Food Large Breed Adult Formula Natural With Added Vitamins, Minerals, and Nutrients adult dog food. Real chicken is the first ingredient in this delicious high protein dog food and the unique combination of tender, protein-rich meaty morsels and crunchy dog kibble delivers tastes and textures he'll love. This adult dog food for large dogs is high in protein to help support strong muscles, including a healthy heart. Plus, this natural dog food with added vitamins, minerals, and nutrients with glucosamine for dogs is crafted by a veterinarian-recommended brand to help maintain an ideal body condition and joint health, so you can feel good about the food you serve him every day. Because this large breed adult dog food recipe is made with real chicken, no artificial flavors or preservatives, and zero fillers, you can be confident that every high-quality ingredient has a purpose.
Key Benefits: This adult dog food for large dogs is made with real chicken as the first ingredient supports strong muscles, including a healthy heart, A SmartBlend of high-quality ingredients in this large adult dog food formula is tailored to support the health of large breed dogs, Purina ONE large breed adult dog food includes four antioxidant sources to provide immune support for dogs and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals to support a shiny, healthy skin and coat for dogs, Deliciously crunchy bites and tender meaty morsels deliver great taste in a dog food kibble recipe made with no artificial flavors or preservatives, High Protein dog food crafted in Purina-owned, U.S. facilities provides 100 percent nutrition for adult dogs, Spoil your pet with Purina products. Reward yourself with points on every purchase. Download the myPurina app today
Item Number: 5352488
Intended For: Dog
Brand: ONE Large Breed
Food Type: Blended, Kibble, Crunchy
Breed Size: Large Breed
Life Stage: Adult
Nutritional Benefits: Natural, Antioxidants, High-Protein, With Vitamins, No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Flavors, No Artificial Preservatives
Health Consideration: Veterinarian Recommended, Energy & Vitality Support, Heart Health, Immune Support, Muscle Support
Flavor: Chicken
Weight: 31.5 lb.