Serve your senior dog meals that combine nature and research for results you can see with Purina ONE Plus Vibrant Maturity Adult 7 Plus Formula dry dog food for senior dogs crafted with MCT-rich vegetable oil to nourish mental sharpness. Chicken is the number 1 ingredient, helping create a high protein dog food that supports strong muscles, including a healthy heart. Four antioxidant sources offer immune support for dogs and natural sources of glucosamine for dogs help dog joint health. All that wholesome goodness comes together for a premium dog food that supplies 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs. Plus, Purina ONE Vibrant Maturity dog food is made with 0 percent fillers, meaning every ingredient has a purpose, and it features a highly digestible formula, so more nutrition goes to work inside your dog. Watch your pal thrill over the combination of protein-rich, meaty morsels and crunchy dog kibble to the very last bite.
Key Benefits: Purina dog food for senior dogs with MCT-rich vegetable oil to nourish and promote mental sharpness and shows an increased average activity level of over 20 percent in dogs seven and older, Dry high protein dog food starts with real chicken as the number 1 ingredient and supports strong muscles, including a healthy heart, Features omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals to support his shiny coat and healthy skin, plus natural sources of glucosamine for dogs to promote joint health, Deliciously crunchy bites and tender meaty morsels provide the Purina ONE dry dog food taste and textures dogs love and work with added calcium to support strong teeth and healthy gums, Complete and balanced adult dog dry food features an easily digestible SmartBlend of high-quality ingredients and is crafted in Purina-owned, U.S. facilities, Spoil your pet with Purina products. Reward yourself with points on every purchase. Download the myPurina app today
Item Number: 5180344
Intended For: Dog
Brand: ONE Vibrant Maturity
Food Type: Blended, Kibble, Crunchy, Morsels
Breed Size: All Breeds
Life Stage: Senior
Nutritional Benefits: Low Ash, With Vitamins, High-Protein, No Artificial Flavors, Amino Acids, Antioxidants, Nutrient Dense, Omegas
Health Consideration: Brain Aging, Digestive Health, Heart Health, Hip & Joint Support, Immune Support, Energy & Vitality Support, Veterinarian Recommended, Muscle Support
Flavor: Chicken
Weight: 31.5 lb.