Give your dog dry food with the wholesome goodness they crave while keeping an eye on their weight with Purina Beneful Healthy Weight Dry Dog Food With Farm-Raised Chicken adult dog food. Great tasting with no artificial preservatives or flavors and added colors only from natural sources, this weight management dog food delivers calorie-smart nutrition. Real U.S. farm-raised chicken is the number 1 ingredient in this protein formula and each cup contains 25 grams of protein for dogs to give your dog muscle support to help keep them ready for the dog park. With 10 percent fewer calories than Purina Beneful Originals With Farm-Raised Beef, this weight management dog food formula also contains no potatoes. Your dog gets 23 essential vitamins for dogs and minerals in each serving to support overall health, plus accents of real apples, carrots and green beans. Show your dog you love them by serving Purina Beneful Healthy Weight Dry Dog Food With Farm-Raised Chicken for 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition.
Key Benefits: Premium dog food featuring U.S. farm-raised chicken as the number 1 ingredient, Beneful natural dog food with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients has a naturally delicious taste with no artificial preservatives or flavors and added colors only from natural sources, Calorie-smart wholesome dog food nutrition to help maintain a healthy weight, 25g of protein for dogs in every cup to help support strong, lean muscles, Our 100 percent complete and balanced adult dog food kibble includes 23 essential vitamins and minerals, Spoil your pet with Purina products. Reward yourself with points on every purchase. Download the myPurina app today
Item Number: 5345522
Intended For: Dog
Brand: Beneful Healthy Weight
Food Type: Kibble, Crunchy
Breed Size: All Breeds
Life Stage: Adult
Nutritional Benefits: With Vitamins, No Artificial Flavors, Real Meat, Low Calorie, Antioxidants, No Artificial Preservatives, No Artificial Colors
Health Consideration: Weight Control, Maintenance, Immune Support, Muscle Support
Flavor: Chicken
Weight: 36.3 lb.