Offer your dog a delicious recipe inspired by familiar family favorites with Merrick Healthy Grains Kitchen Comforts Turkey Meatloaf, a canned dog food made with turkey, brown rice, and gravy. Real deboned turkey is the first ingredient in this real meat dog food with brown rice crafted with high quality protein to help support your dog's healthy energy levels and muscle mass. This wholesome recipe is made with a holistic blend of brown rice, carrots, and green beans in a savory gravy that adds flavor and moisture to your dog's diet. Additionally, this dog food with turkey is a soft, natural with added vitamins and minerals, and corn free dog food. Your dog will love this premium dog food recipe with brown rice that is made with high quality ingredients and crafted without artificial flavors or preservatives. Merrick dog food recipes are proudly founded in Hereford, Texas, and crafted in USA facilities.
Key Benefits:
Item Number: 5337893
Brand: Merrick Healthy Grains
FoodType: Chunks in Gravy
Breed Size: All
Life Stage: Adult
Nutritional Option: Corn Free, No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Flavors, No Fillers, No Artificial Preservatives, Soy Free, Wheat Free, Real Meat, All Natural, Natural, With Vitamins
Health Consideration: Maintenance, Non-Prescription, Vitamins & Minerals
Flavor: Turkey
Weight: 15.52 oz