Offer your dog a classic recipe inspired by familiar family favorites with Merrick Healthy Grains Kitchen Comforts Chicken Casserole, a chicken and rice dog food with grains, canned dog food with gravy. Real deboned chicken is the first ingredient in this natural can dog food, real meat dog food with grains cooked with savory dog gravy helping to build and maintain healthy muscle tissue. This canned natural dog food chicken, dog gravy recipe is made with real whole foods like carrots, green beans and sweet potatoes and added vitamins for dogs to support healthy digestion and a complete, balanced diet. Merrick wet dog food Kitchen Comforts is a wet food for dogs that is a real meat, brown rice dog food. Your dog will enjoy Kitchen Comforts chunky wet dog food with gravy recipe that is dog wet food in a variety of flavors and packed with hearty nutrition. Merrick dog food recipes were proudly founded in Hereford, Texas.
Key Benefits:
Item Number: 5337890
Brand: Merrick Healthy Grains
Food Type: Chunks in Gravy
Breed Size: All
Life Stage: Adult
Nutritional Option: Corn Free, No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Flavors, No Fillers, No Artificial Preservatives, Soy Free, Wheat Free, Real Meat, All Natural, Natural, With Vitamins
Health Consideration: Maintenance, Non-Prescription, Vitamins & Minerals
Flavor: Chicken
Weight: 15.52 oz