Express your devotion to your special feline by serving Fancy Feast Wet Cat Food Gourmet Naturals Tuna Recipe in cat food gravy at every meal. Striking a balance between wholesome natural nutrition and exceptional gourmet flavor, our Fancy Feast wet cat food Gourmet Naturals contains high-quality natural ingredients with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Enjoy watching your cat try this delicious tuna cat food recipe in gravy for cats featuring protein to help support strong muscles. Feel confident that you're giving your cat the nutrition they need. This natural cat food formula is 100 percent complete and balanced for adult cats without corn, soy, or any artificial colors or preservatives. Share the joy with your cat as they scamper over each time you open up a can of this delicious Fancy Feast limited ingredient cat food.
Key Benefits:
Item Number: 5294562
Brand: Purina Fancy Feast Gourmet Naturals
Food Type: Chunks
Breed Size: All
Life Stage: Adult
Nutritional Option: No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Preservatives
Flavor: Tuna
Weight: 3.33 oz