Enhance every treating opportunity you and your cat share with Purina Fancy Feast Savory Cravings Tuna Flavor cat treats. We make these limited ingredient cat treats with no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. An alternative to traditional, crunchy dry cat treats, our innovative tender and soft cat treats prolong the enjoyment for both of you. The break-apart bars let you spend more time nurturing the deep bond you share with your special cat as she slowly savors each tender morsel. Indulge your feline companion with all five mouthwatering flavors of Purina Fancy Feast Savory Cravings cat treats from a brand you know and trust. In addition to this box of enticing Tuna Flavor cat treats, our purr-fectly delectable recipe lineup includes flavors of Salmon, Beef, Chicken, and Beef and Crab for her snacking delight. Pamper your precious cat with an elevated treating experience when you offer her Purina Fancy Feast Savory Cravings cat snacks she can relish one small bite at a time.
Key Benefits:
Item Number: 5322489
Brand: Purina Fancy Feast Savory Cravings
Food Type: Aspic/Gelee
Breed Size: All
Life Stage: Adult
Nutritional Option: No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Flavors, No Artificial Preservatives, Natural
Flavor: Tuna
Weight: 1 oz