Revel in every precious moment you spend with your cat by offering her Purina Fancy Feast Savory Cravings Chicken Flavor cat treats. These limited ingredient cat treats feature a unique break-apart form that helps both of you savor the shared treating experience. We make our high-quality, natural cat treats with no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Purina Fancy Feast Savory Cravings tender morsels provide an interesting textural alternative to dry cat treats, keeping her engaged at snack time while delivering an enticing chicken flavor. This proprietary formula from Fancy Feast creates treats cat owners can pamper their felines with, one small bite at a time. Expand her menu by letting your furry soulmate try all five flavors of Purina Fancy Feast Savory Cravings soft cat treats. Rotate this Chicken Flavor recipe with our Beef Flavor, Salmon Flavor, Tuna Flavor, and Beef and Crab Flavor selections for an enhanced feeding experience sure to delight her taste buds.
Key Benefits:
Item Number: 5322486
Brand: Purina Fancy Feast Cravings
Food Type: Aspic/Gelee
Breed Size: All
Life Stage: Adult
Nutritional Option: No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Flavors, No Artificial Preservatives, Natural
Flavor: Chicken
Weight: 1 oz