Treat your cat to BONKERS Purrpops Chicky Licks flavor lollipop cat treats, the newest way to connect with your cat. Cats can’t speak human. But if they could, BONKERS Purrpops cat treats would leave them speechless. Not just because it's hard to talk cat with a Purrpop in your mouth. But because it's shockingly good. A meaty, chewy, crunchy, bitey cat-candy. 100% freeze-dried chicken, served on a stick. No words, just purrs. Standard Purrpops reaction.
Key Benefits:
Item Number: 5251630
Brand: BONKERS Purrpops
Food Type: Dehydrated
Breed Size: All
Life Stage: All
Nutritional Option: Limited ingredient, natural, high protein, No artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives
Flavor: Chicken
Weight: 0.2 oz 5.6 g, Count: 4