All Living Things® Willow Ball Bird Toy

All Living Things
Item #5247964
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About this item

Get your bird stimulated and excited with All Living Things Colorful Woven Vine
Balls. Brightly colored vine balls, strips of woven natural fibers and hard wood
beads encourage activity and exercise, which in turn leaves less time for negative behaviors. This is a sure way to entertain your beloved pet. Only at PetSmart.

Features: Spinning parts on this toy will keep your bird entertained

Intended Pet(s): Small bird, such as Cockatiels, Grey Cheeks, Black Cap Conure, etc.

Color: Multi-Colored (Red, Yellow, Green, Orange)

Dimensions: 4in x 2in x 10in

Material: Pine/Stainless Wire/Nickel Plated Carbone Steel Bell and Peak Link/Vine Balls

Instructions: Use pear link for easy assemble to cages

Caution: Checking the condition of this toy is your responsibility. As toys become worn, they should be replaced.

From the manufacturer